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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Stroke That Never Was: Misinformation Continues to Circulate

It seems that mis-information is still out there floating around for the unsuspecting to happen upon.

I just read...

"Ms. Lilly's story brings to mind one of the most remarkable and highly publicized cases of a person in a long-term vegetative state. Terri Schiavo [2] was starved to death in March of 2005 after a Florida judge ordered her feeding tube to be removed. Schiavo [2] had been in a "persistent vegetative state" for years following a stroke, and while her family insisted she responded to their presence, doctors determined that she would likely never recover." ( - Published by The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom - "Colorado Woman Briefly Wakes From a 6 Year Coma" By Mary Benoit, Created 2007-03-12 17:14)

A stroke, if it had happened, would explain why a healthy young woman (Terri Schiavo) was suddenly suffering from brain damage. But it didn't happen. She neither had a stroke nor a heart attack. So how she was a healthy young woman at work one day to being brain damaged and headed toward the death penalty the next, is the mystery of the centuries.

How any of our laws allowed such to happen (her death by dehydration) goes even beyond that mystery! When did we sink that low, and care that little, about what was and is happening to the innocent among us?

I'm not sure when any of this began to happen, but I am sure that there is "mis-information" out there that entices and embraces a "sense" of justification that isn't truly justified.

Terri Schiavo DID NOT have a stroke. What media initially (and wrongly) suggested she did and why? Why hasn't the correction been made? Why is this wrongful information allowed to continue to circulate and influence the opinion of what was done to Terri Schiavo and those such as she?

Opinions -- especially those that involve life and death decisions -- should never be based upon anything other than absolute truth and facts! All efforts must be made to avoid making a mistake that can wrongly take the life of another!


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