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Friday, March 16, 2007

Nab 'Em, Grap 'Em, Cuff 'Em & Scare 'Em to Tears: New Wave Police Work

A dangerous criminal was nabbed in Baltimore according to an AP report...

March 16, 2007 11:37 AM EDT

BALTIMORE - Police arrested a 7-year-old boy, handcuffed him and took his mug shot and fingerprints on a charge of riding a motorized dirt bike on a sidewalk.

At the station, Gerard Mungo Jr. was handcuffed to a bench and interrogated before being released to his parents.

"They scared me," Gerard told The Baltimore Examiner before breaking down in tears."

Hardcore criminal that little suspect. Had that officer and his supervisor shaking in their socks, I bet. They'll probably have nightmares for the rest of their lives about what that little boy might have done to them if they hadn't gotten him handcuffed to that bench in time. Not sure where they got their training, but I guess it came in handy -- they got a confession out of that little burger and have him on file should the bank down the street get robbed next week and some little feller gets away on a dirt bike.

Isn't this all amazing?

Parents can't swat their child on the behind for inappropriate behavior without fear of the state getting involved, and yet, the police can grab a child, treat him like a dangerous criminal and think they were within their rights? Excuse me!?!? A seven year old child should never be treated as this one was.

A swat or being handcuffed, fingerprinted, interrogated and having a mug shot? Which is likely to be the most traumatic and with irreversible damage? I dare anyone to say a swat. Any that might, I'd not be able to take anything else they said seriously. And I am sure there are a great many of them out there. The ones that tell us that wrong is right and good is bad and that there is always some justification for stepping over the ledge into the madness they are leading this world into. What do they think they are accomplishing? Whatever it is, by the grace of all that is good, I pray they don't succeed.

Let's bring back some sanity and balance before we forget what they are!


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