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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, March 14, 2007

It Appears Penguins Have More Sense of Protecting the Young Than At Least One Referee

KMBC.Com (Channel 9 -- KCMO) reported...

"Man In Penguin Costume Heckles Youth Players

Gardner Coach Says Man Is League Referee

(POSTED: 10:04 pm CDT March 13, 2007 -UPDATED: 10:44 pm CDT March 13, 2007) - GARDNER, Kan. -- A man wearing a penguin suit was caught on video while heckling fifth-grade basketball players, KMBC's Martin Augustine reported.

The incident happened Saturday at a youth basketball game at Gardner Elementary School.

Parents at the game said the man is a referee who was taking some revenge on the kids and the coach."

You didn't read wrong. It was actually a referee that was behaving in such an inappropriate manner. The report even goes on to state that the man cheered when players fell down. And this is someone that should be around and influencing children? I think not!

The madness keeps on spreading!


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