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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Try Parenting

In addressing the Robbinsdale Radicals' dislike for my dislike of this preschool initiative, I forgot to address his comment about mental health screening for kids.

Here's what I think of mental health screening for kids: What a bunch of hooey.

Okay, now that I've made my position clear on that, let me add a link to a piece I just came across from Phyllis Schlafly that will perhaps expand on my profound comments for those who may already be knee-deep in the hooey: "Try Parenting Instead Of Mental Health Screening." Or "Try Parenting" for short. This is good advice for not just children's "mental health problems," but many of today's maladies.

So many parents today are either too lazy to parent, or too afraid of setting standards and boundaries (might be mistaken for a Right-wing radical), or too wrapped up in being their child's "friend" to be parents.

So because so many adults are too lazy or too afraid to parent, we have teen sex/pregnancy problems, drug and alcohol abuse among children, gang activity, lousy academic achievement, poor work ethic when they read adulthood, and an almost endless litany of societal ills.

Children don't just develop morals and responsibility from cosmic osmosis; they have to be taught. And if parents don't teach them, no one is going to do it adequately. The educational system can try, but it's never going to do it as well as parents can and should.

Want to fix the majority of today's problems? Start parenting!


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