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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Stealing from Abortion Clinics

This story out of Tennessee makes me stop and think. They're prosecuting a woman for attempting her own abortion, but it she'd gone to an abortionist, she'd have been celebrated as a choice hero.

"It makes absolutely no sense that a woman could be charged with a crime against the child while she was pregnant, but yet if she tried to have the child aborted, she would be perfectly legal in that right to do so,” said Cindy Pare, AAA Women's Services.

Pare, from a local pregnancy counseling center, sees the law as a double standard, telling a woman it's okay to end the life of an unborn child in one instance but not in another.

But the law is clear. You can not take matters in your own hands. “It makes absolutely no sense that a woman could be charged with a crime against the child while she was pregnant, but yet if she tried to have the child aborted, she would be perfectly legal in that right to do so,” said Cindy Pare, AAA Women's Services.

Pare, from a local pregnancy counseling center, sees the law as a double standard, telling a woman it's okay to end the life of an unborn child in one instance but not in another.

But the law is clear. You can not take matters in your own hands.

Is it that, or is it because she deprived the abortion clinics of money they felt was rightfully theirs?


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