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Friday, February 09, 2007

HPV Vaccinations Controversial in Several States

There was considerable discussion in the South Dakota blogosphere of the "free" HPV vaccinations initiative of Governor Rounds a few weeks ago.

It seems the issue of vaccinations for something that could be avoided with moral behavior--especially when mandated--is causing a ruckus in other states.

Earlier in the week I read about the controversy in Texas. Now this from about Virginia:

But Michelle Newman, interim director of Concerned Women for America of Virginia, is urging the General Assembly to hold off on the mandatory vaccination legislation, calling such a measure a 'rush to judgment.' Advocating the vaccinations, she says, 'is going to encourage many parents to not bother to look further into some of the side effects that could happen, which was analyzed by the National Vaccine Information Center.'

I normally have no beef with pharmaceutical companies, but Merk is actively lobbying to make these vaccinations mandatory. When you couple that with the fact that it doesn't cost a penny to keep your legs closed or your fly zipped, that doesn't sit well with me. Merk has a right to promote its product, but mandates and taxpayer funding for such things are altogether different.

With even USA Today's opinion page urging restraint, it appears this isn't the slam-dunk some people once thought it was.


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