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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, August 23, 2006

More Double Speak from the Left

According to a piece from Catholic Online, Ned Lamont (the Vietnam flower-child retread who defeated Joe Lieberman in the Dem primary in Connecticut) and the Left want to revive the concept of the "common good" for today's voters.

I couldn't agree more that this concept needs to be revived. But coming from a man who seeks to undermine his own country during wartime, it, um, rings hollow to say the least.

Of course, we have to understand that when the Left talks of the "common good," they mean what government says is good for you (government that the Left is in charge of, that is).

Their definition of "common good" is a Marxist grab bag of things like socialized medicine, sticking it to the rich, regulation of free businesses, and subjugation of human interests to environmental extremism.

You see, in the fantasy world of the Left, it is the liberals who are enamored with European socialism who are working for the "common good." It isn't traditional Americans who want to stick with the things that made our country the greatest and most free nation in the world. It's people who want to maintain America's greatness and goodness who are "divisive." Silly things like winning the war against barbaric terrorists, preserving marriage as a basic building block of a stable society, and protecting innocent lives aren't a part of the "common good" in the playbook of the Left.

It's incredible how prophetic George Orwell was in the visions he painted in his stories of how the Left loves to say one thing to mean the exact opposite (with Orwell, their deceptive talk was couched in "newspeak"). To the Left, American values are doubleplusungood crimethink.


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