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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Tuesday, August 29, 2006

More Deception from Progressives

McChesney is telling more fibs. The latest blog post says my comments last night were posted in their entirety. Funny, I checked and even refreshed the page before making my response today...and they weren't there...but now they are. What a magic act!

I'll let my lastest comment speak for itself (hope it gets posted there):

You said you posted my comment in it's entirety, and while it's there now, it definitely wasn't there a few hours ago when I sent my response to you.

As if your attempts to throw dirt on the truth about Section 3 weren't enough, this latest lie proves the Left relies on lies when they're bereft of support for their arguments (which is most of the time).

The pro-aborts just can't handle it when people see through their obfuscation. Placing desperation to keep abortion on demand ahead of the health of a rape victim and the pursuit of justice for her is despicable


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