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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Getting it in There

Newsbusters highlights the fact that while the liberal media had a block party when Florida Senate candidate Katherine Harris recently said that the myth of "separation of church and state" is a "lie"--which it is--, you can hear the crickets instead of the media howing over Rhode Island liberal Lincoln Chaffe's whopper:

Lincoln Chafee: "Rhode Island was founded on separation of religion, separation of church and state....'Full liberties of religious discernment,' I think is in our charter and, uh, when we wouldn't sign the U.S. Constitution, 1789, until we got the same liberties, the same separation of church and state, that we had here in Rhode Island, in the federal Constitution. It took us 13 months as Rhode Islanders, until we got in the First Amendment, first words of the First Amendment in the Constitution, separation of church and state."

But guess what? It just ain't in there, as they say down South. In fact, not only are those words not in the First Amendment, they aren't anywhere in the Constitution. It does have this unpleasant (to liberals) little part about not prohibiting the free exercise of religion, though.

Lies that suit the ideology of the Leftist media are acceptable, though. That makes all the difference.


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