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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Monday, December 29, 2008

South Dakota Among Lowest Gas Prices in Nation

According to Black Hills Fox and, South Dakota has some of the lowest gas prices in the nation.

I know! It's hard to fathom, isn't it? South Dakota gas prices are normally among the highest you'll see in the middle of the country, with Rapid City higher than almost any in the state.

The article says only Casper, Cheyenne and Gillette in Wyoming have lower prices than Rapid City.

Well, when I went GasBuddy this morning, I didn't quite as good a picture as Black Hills Fox did, but South Dakota was still in the better half for the nation. And Pennington County was indeed the lowest in the state of South Dakota. That alone is amazing.

Now, if our leaders would quit pandering to environmental extremists and get serious about a healthy energy policy for the United States, we could be assured of continued reasonable energy prices!


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