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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Video: What public good does marriage provide?

Ten Persuasive Answers to the Question 'Why not gay marriage?'"

Q5: What public good does marriage provide?

Point 1: Anywhere in the world, throughout human history, marriage has been about men and women

Point 2: Why do we find this universality? Is it enforced by a person or group...or nature?

Point 3: Every culture needs marriage; no culture needs homosexual "marriage"

Point 4: Human arrogance drives the re-engineering of marriage

Point 5: Marriage does four basic things in every culture
- Socializes men, making them productive and linking them to women
- Regulates sexuality and enforces monogamy
- Protects women and keeps women from becoming a commodity
- Provides mothers and fathers for children

Point 6: Marriage provides the next generation of society


Anonymous said...

-Socializes men, making them productive and linking them to women

Because unmarried men are socially inept, don't know where they fit in society, are unable to hold down a job, and cannot form healthy relationships with women, romantic or otherwise.

- Regulates sexuality and enforces monogamy

Because a twenty-minute ceremony and a piece of paper will permanently keep couples from misusing their sexuality and sleeping around. As we all know, unmarried couples are necessarily promiscuous and will have sex with anything.

- Protects women and keeps women from becoming a commodity

Because there's no documented case of a husband ever raping or abusing his wife, and people have ALWAYS gotten married for love; only a fool would believe that at one point in history, marriage was solely a financial, political institution used to bind families together for strategic sociopolitical advantage, with no regard as to whether husbands and wives actually had feelings for each other. And, of course, only a fool would think that at one point, a young lady's marriageable value was measured by her virginity; if she was not a virgin, she was essentially damaged goods and worthless in the marriage market.

- Provides mothers and fathers for children

And if you cannot produce children biologically or can't afford to adopt one, you're irresponsibly avoiding one of your duties as a married couple! So get busy!

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