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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Homosexuals Hijacking Christian Principles

I've been seeing quite a lot of this recently: homosexual activists who try to hijack Christians, Christianity and Christian principles to advance their perception of legitimacy.

It can come in many forms and avenues, but it usually involves some sort of appeal to a Christian principle or virtue which is supposed to "shame" the Christian into allowing the homosexual activist a vehicle to enhance the legitimacy of their sexual behavior.

For instance, I've heard that "God approves of homosexuality because God commands us to love one another, and homosexuality is an expression of one man's/woman's love for another man/woman." This, of course, ignores the difference between Biblical selfless (agape) love and sexual (eros) love--or lust--and the fact that God makes no allowance for homosexual behavior, whether performed in love or lust.

I've also heard, "We're supposed to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit told me I belonged with this other man." This, of course, ignores the fact that God will not contradict himself and send his Spirit to tell someone it's okay to do what his Bible clearly says is wrong. In such cases, the person is confusing their own inner voice of will and desire with the voice of the Spirit; this is why we have the Bible, to "fact check" what we think we may be hearing from God.

One of the most common, of course, is that if you say anything negative about the practice of homosexuality, you are "spreading hate" and being "mean" and that if you were a "good Christian" you would be nice to them. This, of course, ignores God's mandate that the person who knows what God has said is to warn and alert those who don't, and are supposed to shine a light in the darkness for others to see the path to truth.

The latest example comes from the liberal St. Joan of Arc Church in Minneapolis.

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports that this liberal church has for years been allowing homosexuals to "celebrate their lifestyle in the church sanctuary." But apparently someone has come to some level of their senses, since the article reports Archbishop John Nienstedt has banned this "celebration of what God clearly says in the Bible many times is wrong.

Okay, here's the "hijacking of principle" ploy, from homosexual Michael Bayly:

The archdiocese is now dictating to people who they can and cannot pray for, and that deeply concerns me

You see, these mean old Christians are supposed to feel guilty because they "won't let people pray." Who could possibly be opposed to prayer? How un-Christian!

Of course, anyone with half a shred of Bible knowledge realizes this is an attempt to hijack and pervert the mandate for Christian prayer in order to justify the "celebration" of what says over and over in the Bible is wrong, what is a perversion of His design for human sexuality.

Bayly also rolls out another hijacking attempt:

This certainly does not celebrate the presence of God in the lives of gay people. They are dictating to gay people how to have a good life.

No one can say for certainty whether another person is truly a Christian and has the presence of God in their lives (though the Bible does tell us the fruits of a person's life are a good clue). However, sin separates us from closeness with God, even in the Christian's life. God says repeatedly that homosexual behavior is a sin, so someone who is willfully practicing this with no repentance in his heart is going to have a hard time connecting with the presence of God, regardless of whether they're inside a church or not.

And yes, it seems Archbishop Nienstedt is indeed telling homosexuals how to have a good life. Why? For one thing, if Nienstedt knows the Bible, then he knows the good life comes through walking away from our sinful desires and surrendering our lives to Jesus Christ.

And Nienstedt isn't doing it to try and be the dictator of a person's life; he's doing it because God told him to.


Anonymous said...

"They will hold to an outward form of godliness but deny its power. Stay away from such people."
(2Tim 3:5)

Some would have us believe that they are of the same Spirit, but intend to live only by the flesh.

Haggs said...

I've got news for you, Bob. A lot of homosexuals out there ARE Christian. A couple of my gay friends from Augie have gone on to become ministers and most of my other gay friends are faithful Christians. The ones who are not faithful Christians used to be, but were discriminated against so badly by so-called Christians when they came out that they don't believe anymore. I've tried getting them back to their faith, but most of their wounds are still too fresh.

Just thought you should know that there are gay Christians out there whether you want to believe it or now. And they're good, decent, faithful people too. They're not the boogeymen you like to think they are.

Bob Ellis said...

I don't know the state of their soul (only God can know that for sure), so they may indeed be genuine Christians.

But if they are embracing homosexuality, then they are clearly and willfully out of God's will. And if they claim that God approves of it, they are clearly saying the opposite of what God says.

And if they're twisting Scripture like the examples in this post...well, I've already addressed that.

So the final result is the same: if they're doing and/or advocating what God clearly says is wrong, and try to use the Bible to justify it, they're hijacking Christian principles.

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