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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, October 19, 2007

WB: Alan Sears

Alan Sears heads the Alliance Defense Fund, a legal defense group formed in the early 1990s to defend religious freedom.

Sears talked about sexual role play encouraged by public schools, specifically homosexual role playing. He told of a college girl at Missouri State University who was disturbed by this type of assignment, and simply made up various reactions and turned in a fiction to her unsuspecting professor. Later in the year, her professor gave the class an assignment to advocate to elected representatives to advocate for homosexual policies. This time she talked to her professor and requested an alternative assignment. He stormed out and filed a Level 3 grievance against the student. She had to appear before a board to address these charges, which could result in the denial of her diploma. She was drilled for 2.5 hours about her beliefs as they showed contempt toward her Christian beliefs. Sears said they made a mistake, though, because as outnumbered and timid as she was, she called for help from the ADF after her meeting. The school was sued in federal district court, and the administrators quickly changed their tune. The professor who filed the charge was placed on administrative leave, pending a report that revealed a "toxic environment" at the school for religious students. They recommended the social work program this girl was in be rebuilt from scratch.

Sears said this girl's case illustrated why we have to show up on these issues, and he said that when we show up, we can win.

Sears brought the young woman, Emily Booker, on stage to a thunderous and long standing ovation for her courage in standing up to this unfair treatment.

Sears said this type of climate is contaminating our culture, our churches, our schools and every facet of our society.

Sears said when it comes to standing for Truth in the court rooms across America, for the sancity of human life, for marriage ADF will be there fighting with all of their resources for our religious liberties. (great standing ovation)


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