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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Prager on Coulter: So What?

Dennis Prager is one of my top three favorite columnists (he's Jewish, so does that surprise you, SouthDakotaMac?).

Prager's column today examines the phony controversy over Ann Coulter's recent comments about Christianity and Judaism.

Prager's entire column is worth reading and should be read. But his closing paragraph was what particularly struck me, since it deals with the danger of these fake charges of bigotry from the Left. It's a danger not only in this instance, but in all cases of race baiting and phony bigotry charges: it desensitizes us to the real thing.

As fate and irony would have it, this past Sunday night I was the keynote speaker at the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. Since 1981, the church, led by Pastor John Hagee, has had an annual "Night to Honor Israel." Five thousand Christians came to this year's event, where they heard and sang Hebrew songs and watched their pastor give $8 million to various Israeli and Jewish charities.

Those are Ann Coulter's people, and they are, by and large, the best friends the Jewish people have today. And since Judaism teaches that we judge others by their behavior, not their beliefs, this Jew thanks them. And fears those who fear them. One day, God forbid, should there be real anti-Semitism in America, these hysterics will have cried wolf so many times that no one will listen.


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