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Monday, August 06, 2007

Cabela's Now Won't House BH Visitor Center

KOTA is reporting that while it looks like Cabela's will keep the 30 acres of land that Rapid City gave them, the Black Hills Visitor Information Center won't be relocating inside the store.

"We listened to the citizens and read several accounts in newspapers, and we believed that it provided an opportunity to really show the citizens that we in fact do listen," said Kevin Rhodes, Cabela's Director of Real Estate. "That it's not just all one-sided. That we understand the concerns that they had voiced as far as leaving the visitor's center where it was."

Besides the fact that the city just seemed to be too much of an eager beaver in getting Cabela's to come to town, and giving away too much of the taxpayer's interest, the Visitor Information Center relocation was my main misgiving about this whole deal.

Moving a relatively new center into a place with less than half the space, and in a situation that was a gamble whether it would get more visibility, just wasn't a smart move in my opinion. I'm glad to see this change...and glad to see that Cabela's is still coming.

According to the article, a special election regarding that 30 acres will no longer be necessary.


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