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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Monday, April 02, 2007

Shadow Boxing: Blogging Against Theocracy

Looks like Dawnne and some others at Clean Cut Kid will be blogging against something that doesn't exist in the United States and, to my knowledge, no one in the United States is advocating (except maybe a few Muslim extremists who want us to live under Sharia law). Maybe it's these Muslim extremists CCK and the secularists at "Blog Against Theocracy" are blogging against.

Oh, they included a description of what it is they're against. It isn't any stuff that constitutes a theocracy, but they're apparently so repulsed even a whiff of Christian beliefs being expressed publicly or informing public policy that they're calling it "theocracy":

  • religious discrimination (not sure what this means--disparaging those who worship government?)

  • end-of-life care (i.e. kill the disabled and infirm at will)

  • reproductive health decisions without legal restraint (i.e. kill your baby if it interferes with your sexual fulfillment)

  • academic integrity (i.e. vehemently reject anything the Bible says, no matter how much scientific sense it makes, in favor of anything that fits an atheistic worldview, no matter how little sense it makes)

  • sound science (i.e. embrace naturalism)

  • respect for all families (i.e. whether they're a family or not, let them call themselves one, because feeling good trumps all facts or truths)

  • the right to worship, or not (a right guaranteed and enjoyed by all Americans, unless you are a Christian who wants to express your faith in public)

How cute that these people who claim not to be "anti-religious" are doing this on Easter weekend. As long as your religion's god is humanism or government, that claim of not being anti-religion might be true.


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