The full article is now online. I had to leave with about 50 minutes remaining in the cracker barrel, so there may have been significant discussions that I didn't cover, but I had to get my daughter to ju-jitsu lessons, and she takes priority.
In my last blog post, I was pretty blunt about Senator Katus' inability to make a judgment of right or wrong. I wasn't trying to be intentionally blunt just for the sake of it, but I don't know what else to call it but cowardice when someone--a grown, educated man--can't bring themselves to say out loud that some things are right and some things are wrong.
Of course, Katus really doesn't believe that bunk about "I don't judge people" deep down. If he does, he's doing a good job of fooling himself. That, or he completely misunderstands what judgments are all about. Because like everyone on this planet, he judges people and he judges actions. We should try to judge actions, but since people commit actions, it's very hard to separate the two.
Liberals like Katus enjoy feeling morally superior to "moralists" like me or Bob Fischer (incidentally, "moralists" aren't morally superior; we simply try to correct the lie that is often made these days that immorality is okay--we aren't perfect, we sin, we fail, we just recognize that some things are wrong and don't try to pull a snow job and say wrong things are right so we'll feel better about our own moral failures). Liberals pat themselves on the back (as Katus did in public today) for not making judgments, for not being "judgmental," or for those who have a passing familiarity with the Bible, they like to believe they're obeying the Liberal Greatest Commandment: Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged.
Yet that Jesus fellow that he fleetingly mentioned who died on the cross, he made a boat load of judgments. Go ahead, read His Book and see if he didn't identify sin for what it is. Also see if he didn't call people what they are; He was more blunt even than me (snakes, brood of vipers, wicked and adulterous generation, hypocrites, blind guides, sons of hell, blind fools, whitewashed tombs, etc.).
But in his display of nonjudgmentalism today, Katus revealed that he actually does judge, and he judges people. It was plain to see that, while he doesn't want to judge killing your unborn child to be wrong, he does judge calling something wrong to be wrong in itself (twisted, I know, but that's just how liberalism is).
He also judges the death penalty to be wrong, and his tone and body language indicated that he judges those of us who support it to be morally inferior. The same with those opposed to the minimum wage and other Marxist implements.
Katus, like all liberals, judges. He just refuses to judge the things that the Judeo-Christian value system says are wrong: killing innocent human life, failure to execute justice, and other things that undermine the family. He judges the right to kill your unborn child to be so paramount that he formulates a demented definition of "pro life" that involves preschool, wage controls and social programs.
Liberals simply have a value system that says all that traditional morality stuff is okay to disregard, but boy if you don't toe the Marxist line on social programs that try to do for people what people should be doing for themselves...boy, you're going to socialist hell for that!
It was revolting to see such a juvenile display of rebellion in public against what is right, especially from a grown man and one who is a leader in our state. Yet it had value in that it's a good example of how hypocritical the Left really is.
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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever. But how can we escape the snare?
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Full Cracker Barrel Article Now Online
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