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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, December 09, 2006

Too Stupid to Vote

I bet you thought the days of people "too stupid to vote" were over, once we put all the idiot AlGore voters behind us--you know, the ones too stupid to figure out how they wanted to vote.
You'd be wrong. Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily draws attention to one of Sean Hannity's recent "man on the street" segments of his radio show.

The segment, which took place on Dec. 7, which is Pearl Harbor Day (the day the Japanese attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor, for you public school grads out there). It wasn't just that several people had no clue what the day was about that Farah found remarkable:

But what struck me about this simple test was that every single person who flunked the test had voted Democratic in the midterm elections. They did this because they believed the Democrats were "for the people," or "supported labor" or "fought for the little guy."

Lest you think Farah is some Republican Kool-Aid drinker:

In a few weeks, the party of idiots will be running both houses of Congress. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting the Republicans deserved to win. I think I've been very clear about the opportunities squandered by the GOP over the last 12 years and especially the last six. But, let's face it. The people who will be running the most important of the three branches of government come January owe their political careers to stupid people, deceived people, people who don't even know what happened at Pearl Harbor.

If you've ever wondered how liberals could come up with the nutty ideas they do--and then stubbornly insist they reflect reality--then this explains a lot. It's because they are usually so profoundly ignorant of history, not to mention a host of other facts, that in their warped world, their ideas actually make sense.

The only problem: their solutions won't work in the real world where we all live.

The really scary part: they're in charge of our nation's lawmaking body for the next two years.


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