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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Arsonists Helping the Firemen

The Heritage Foundation has a good analysis of the Iraq study group report.

One of the first things it brings out is the rejection of the "cut-and-run-for-victory" strategy of the Democrats, along with the timetable strategy.

It also points out the utter stupidity of the recommendation to bring Iran and Syria to the table. When I first heard this, I thought something along the lines of foxes guarding the hen house, but Senator Joe Lieberman says it well:

"Asking Iran and Syria to help us succeed in Iraq is like your local fire department asking a couple of arsonists to help put out the fire. These people are flaming the fire."

Most of the Middle East terrorism is either staged or funded through these two bloodthirsty regimes. Instead of bringing them into the Iraq "process," we should instead be preparing to move our forces to these two countries, once the job is done in Iraq (something we might have already been able to do, had not the Democrats undermined the whole operation since before Day One). There will never be peace in the Middle East, nor will there be an end to terrorism, as long as barbaric governments like those of Syria and Iran remain in operation.


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