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Friday, December 01, 2006

South Dakota Involved in Supreme Court Environmental Wacko Suit

The Aberdeen News is reporting that South Dakota is caught up in an environmental wacko lawsuit that wants the EPA to regulate the much-ballyhooed "greenhouse gasses."

Here's what's before the Court:

Simply put, justices will have to decide whether greenhouse gases from vehicles are air pollutants that should be regulated by the government. It's the first time the high court has tackled the topic of global warming. Oral arguments were this week. A decision is not expected until summer.

The EPA says it doesn't have the authority to regulate "greenhouse gasses," but of course silly things like law, the Constitution, and things like that have never been an impediment to environmental wackos.

Nathan Peterson is the South Dakota rep with the wacko group The National Environmental Trust.
Peterson said The National Environmental Trust has been working on the greenhouse emissions issue since 1999. That's when various environmental groups asked the EPA to regulate greenhouse emissions. In August 2003, the EPA declined. Then, Massachusetts, The National Environmental Trust and other groups challenged the ruling in court. In 2005, a District of Columbia court let the EPA's decision stand. Earlier this year, a petition was filed with the Supreme Court asking it to review the case. In June, the Supreme Court agreed to hear arguments.

And they say Christians are nuts...


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