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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, November 30, 2006

Libs are Cheapskates...Unless it's With Other People's Money

You might have heard about the 20/20 contest which aired last night. It had a Salvation Army bucket in San Francisco--a bastion of liberalism--and one in humble little Sioux Falls, to see which would collect the most money for charity. I had zero doubts as to which would win.

Compared to Charles Dickens' tale of crime, war and deception set in London and Paris, ABC's "20/20" program cast Sioux Falls in a generous light comparing charitable giving of the city and San Francisco.

What were the results?
Stossel said San Francisco collected half as much in Salvation Army buckets in front of Macy's, compared with Sioux Falls at Wal-Mart. Maj. Paul Duskin of the local Salvation Army said the two-day total reached about $1,000.

Seems libs are cheapskates when it comes to putting their money where their mouth is. The only time they really "care" about someone else is when they can reach into YOUR pocket to demonstrate it.

This is why we need to return to the traditional American value of private charity and compassion. Not only does the Marxist model not work (proved that with the failure of the welfare state), it's disciples are hypocrites.


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