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Saturday, October 21, 2006

Rape Counselor and Rape Survivor: Abortion Isn't the Answer

The Forum page of the Rapid City Journal today had an interesting piece from Kelly Patterson, a sexual assault counselor. She speaks from a lot of experience:

As many politicians and organizations have presumed to speak for the victims of rape/incest, I wish to address this issue from a very personal perspective, both as a sexual-abuse counselor and as a victim of rape. I know and understand the devastation of this crime of violence against the innocent victims. As a rape survivor, I abhor violence against any innocent human being. And who is more innocent than the unborn baby?
From all her experience in this tragic area, did these women she counseled believe abortion was the answer:
all have reported that the child was the one beautiful thing that came from such an ugly experience and actually helped in their healing process. For the incest victims, the pregnancy was the thing that finally exposed what was being done to them in their homes.
She says again a few sentences later
Almost without exception, these women hold to the belief that the abortion hurt them much more than the abuse ever did.
Does abortion after a rape-caused pregnancy solve anything:
To suggest abortion to someone who has just been the victim of a violent crime becomes a short-sighted solution. Promoting an abortion at this time, knowing that it will most likely compound her pain and prolong her healing, is simply wrong.
She sees the harm being caused by this "short-sighted solution" as an epidemic:
We are creating an epidemic in our country with post-abortive trauma. As with any traumatic experience, the pain of abortion needs to be dealt with in the open. While there has been some recognition of post-abortive trauma, it is generally minimized. It is time society acknowledges this detrimental aspect of the abortion issue.


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