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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Minimizing an Event

The Aberdeen News is reporting about 250 people attended the "For Such a Time as This" rally in Aberdeen with Alan Keyes, Rick Scarborough and Laurence White last night. (You may recall, attendance was about 750 in Rapid City Monday night).

From what I'm hearing, the reporter, Angela Mettler, must be a victim of the "new math" liberals have been forcing on public schools in recent decades, because I'm being told from people who were there that there were a minimum 500--if not 600--in attendance.

What's the deal with the so-called "objective" mainstream (so-called) media? Must they try to minimize any traditional, life-affirming opinion that they don't agree with? Do they really need to misrepresent facts in order to make the pro-life position look provincial or unpopular? If that were really the case, there'd be no need misrepresent, would there?

To those of you who are convinced there's no bias in the "mainstream" press, just keep your head buried in the sand.


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