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Monday, September 11, 2006

Recycling the Same Old Fear

Pro-abortionists are recycling the same old fear-mongering files.

The Argus Leader wheels out the same old scare tactics they've been trying for the past year:

“The taxpayers are going to pay for it if this goes to court, and you’d better remember that,’’ Billion said.
To put the estimated cost of defending the abortion ban against a lawsuit from pro-abortion extremists, it would cost about as much as one mile of interstate highway in South Dakota. And if you drive around very much, how often are we repaving miles of interstate in our state?

A fund has been established to accept private donations to defend the abortion ban against any challenges brought by pro-abortion extremists, which was actually a gracious gesture on the part of the legislature since defending the law with taxpayer funds is completely legitimate. After all, anytime Left-wing extremists file lawsuits, taxpayers have to foot the bill.

One key thing to remember: the same people bellyaching about how much money it may cost to defend the abortion ban against a legal challenge ARE THE SAME PEOPLE WHO WOULD LAUNCH A LEGAL CHALLENGE TO THE ABORTION BAN!

How's that for a self-fulfilling prophecy, not to mention a big fat dose of hypocrisy? The people complaining about the cost to taxpayers are the ones who would cause that cost in the first place? Kind of like criminals bellyaching about crime in the neighborhood, or vandals destroying school property and then complaining about the high cost of education.


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