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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Sunday, September 10, 2006

Argus Leader: A No Free Speech Zone?

Sibby has a post this afternoon about the Sioux Falls Argus Leader's efforts to get rid of an abortion protester they don't like.

Over the course of Friday morning, three Argus Leader employees called police about Brock's pickup
The Argus has voiced some safety concerns about a truck with anti-abortion signs on it which is parked near their office. However, their own article admits the owner of the truck is completely within the law.
The ordinance also requires vehicles to be parked at least 20 feet from a marked crosswalk, and Brock's truck was 22 feet from the crosswalk on the south side of Minnesota Ave
Perhaps the Argus needs to approach dissatisfaction with laws like us common folk: take it up through your duly elected representatives. But then, the Left would always rather just force their will on people without resorting to petty things like law and due process.


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