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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, December 22, 2005

Delusional Beyond Belief

Cindy Sheehan interview:

You feel like you were mistreated by the press? They got hold of everything I've ever said and scrutinized it so carefully. They never scrutinized what Bush said. No one said, "Why did you lie to the American people and say there was WMD?" The press found an easy target in Iraq, and they found an easy target in me.

Wow, that's one of the biggest ones I've heard in a long time: I was scrutinized by the press but Bush wasn't! YET...ANOTHER example of liberals trying to mirror the truth (see "Saddam Says He's Been Beaten in Detention" post below).
She got the ultimate pass because of her value as a grieving mother; she was considered immune from criticism (and therefore exceptionally useful to the propaganda press) because, after all, what kind of heartless jerk would criticize a grieving mother (except for me, of course). Meanwhile, Bush has been under such scrutinty that he's even criticized for being physically fit!

Why doesn't this pathetic woman have the self-respect to grieve in person--especially when she's revealing what a complete idiot she is, in the process. You can't even laugh at her pathetic behavior without feeling a little guilty...


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