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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Why Would Removing a 'Blob of Tissue' Be Difficult Emotionally?

A LifeNews article yesterday featured the interesting admission from NARAL Washington director Karen Cooper.

A pro-life blog called Cooper because her group had been contacting Washington state pharmacists to see if they were following Board of Pharmacy rules which required them to sell Plan B emergency contraception. However, U.S. District Court Judge Ronald B. Leighton had already issued an injunction, removing this rule.

During the conversation...

He [blog author Jonathan Bloedow] indicated the blog asked Cooper why a pro-abortion group would promote a drug to reduce abortions if it was okay with abortions being done.

"This was met with a long silence, followed by a nervous confession that, 'abortion is a very hard thing for women emotionally,'" Bloedow wrote. He said Cooper quickly added, "a very hard decision."

As the LifeNews article points out, if abortion is just the removal of a blob of tissue, why would it be such a "hard thing for women emotionally." Is the removal of a tumor a "hard thing for women emotionally?"

Perhaps abortion is difficult emotionally because, despite decades of pro-abortion propaganda telling women the child inside them isn't a child, deep-down they still know that it is, and that they are ending the life of their own child.

Apparently, even pro-abortion people know this...and do their best to ignore that knowledge.


Anonymous said...

I truly feel sorry for women who suffer the emotional trauma of having killed their babies in the womb. Many never recover.

Drudge recently reported a tragic case of a 31 year old artist in England who hanged herself after aborting her twins. ( http://www.drudge.com/news/104575/artist-aborts-twins-kills-herself) This is an extreme case, but illustrates the emotional agony that many women suffer. I pray that they will come to know that they can be forgiven in Jesus and recover from this horrendous trauma.

Bob Ellis said...

With our efforts over the past 3 years or so to ban abortion in South Dakota, we've heard a lot of testimony from women who have been hurt by abortion. Some of it is in the official record of our task force report from 2005, and some has come from women who went around to churches and pro-life events in 2006 speaking about their experiences in support of our failed abortion ban.

I've talked to a number of those women personally, and it is devastating emotionally. Even one who was raped and got an abortion, still suffered tremendous guilt--she realized too late that even though her child had been conceived in a terrible, criminal act, that it was still her child, still deserving of life and human dignity. These women have spoken out because they desperately want other women to avoid the mistake they made, and the terrible price they've paid emotionally and mentally for their mistake.

There was a time in my life when I would have readily used abortion as birth control, had I got some young gal pregnant. I thank God now that I was never presented with such a choice, because I know that in my (then) ignorance I would now have a terrible action on my conscience.

Anonymous said...

The kick is up….he scores!

Amen Bob. You nailed it.

If it is just a tumor or blob, then women shouldn’t be any more upset than the excising of a mole.

Of course it’s not a blob.

And Bob, this abomination has hurt men too. Guilt for cowardice or powerlessness. It has eaten them up and some have let it kill them.

I was recently told a story by the sister of a man who, as a young man, took his girlfriend to the abortionist and saw his baby in pieces, in the bucket. He never got over it and purposely spent the next forty or so years committing suicide by cocktail. He couldn’t do it with a gun or some other quick way, so he drank until his liver turned to a shriveled up rubber ball and died a relatively young man directly because the horror of his child’s abortion.

Some might say he was weak. Maybe. But he definitely had a tender heart to be so cruelly hurt in buying the lies of the abortion crowd.

Jim “littlegus” Anderson

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