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Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Big Spin: The Allegation of Solely Meddling in Private Family Matters

Bobby Schindler, the brother of the court ordered starved and dehydrated to death Terri Schiavo, wrote the article, "Politicians still wrong in Terri's case", which appeared in the WorldNetDaily on March 21, 2007. In it, he discusses presidential candidate Mitt Romney's recent comments regarding the Terri Schiavo case. He goes on to say about politicians,

"But not all of the blame lies with them. Romney's comments and similar remarks made by other politicians about Terri's situation have, in my opinion, been prejudiced by a media that have oversimplified what Congress did by spinning it as "meddling in a private family affair."

Bobby Schindler reiterates what everyone knows that was staying on top of the events surrounding his sister's case,

"In reality, Congress enacted a law to afford my sister's constitutional and statutory civil rights claims to be heard in federal court. This law already exists for every convicted murderer on death row.

How can people claim to know so much about the Schiavo case and either not know what the purpose of the law was or conveniently leave that little fact out when discussing it? A little piece of information that makes an enormous difference in how the general public might react to it. After all, why should anyone be upset because a law was enacted to give a disabled person the same right as any convicted murderer on death row?

It was Michael Schiavo that went to "public" court requesting to pull the feeding tube after he became engaged to his present wife.

It was Michael Schiavo's actions that made the case public, rather than a private family matter.

And as Bobby Schindler said, "It is laughable to then complain Congress got involved in a "private family matter" when by that time Terri's case was getting so much worldwide media attention it was about as private as the Super Bowl.

The bias media and their handlers are the ones that put the spin on things. They are the ones that repeatedly reported the inaccurate as the absolute truth. The ones that continually stated that Terri Schiavo had suffered a heart attack or a stroke. The ones that continually gave the impression that Terri Schiavo was on life support such as a ventilator. Or how about the ones that said she was actually "brain dead"? All of these inaccuracies did play a part in how people were voting on polls. So, it was nothing more than a win by deceit.

Though many are trying to portray Terri's Law as an act of meddling in "private family matters", it was not. It was an attempt to create a fail-safe, just like the law is a hopeful fail-safe for the convicted murderers on death row. It is an attempt to make sure there were no mistakes prior to, rather than thereafter. After all, once a person is dead it is definitely too late to correct the mistake.

A spin? The big spin was (and continues to be) how the inaccuracies were presented as the truth and how an innocent woman was put to death by court ordered starvation and dehydration simply, it appears, because she was disabled and in the way. There is no justification for how she was put to death. That wasn't a "private family matter" -- that was a national disgrace and no spin will make it otherwise!


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