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Monday, November 06, 2006

Abortion Does Not Unrape the Victim

A recent radio commercial from the folks featuring Rep. Elizabeth Kraus of Rapid City is the most comprehensive yet concise statement I have ever heard addressing concerns about rape/incest and Referred Law 6:

This is Elizabeth Kraus, state representative from Rapid City. As a woman, I voted to prohibit most abortions because I care about women, especially victims of rape and incest.

Women need to know that they must report a crime of sexual assault within 72 hours. Every hospital in the state provides the morning after pill. But it's not just about emergency contraception.

With early treatment, many STDs can be prevented. Early treatment provides needed counseling and gets the DNA evidence needed to get the rapist off the street.

Abortion does not "unrape" the victim; it subjects her to a second act of violence.

In the crime of incest, pregnancy is often the only evidence that ends the abuse. Abortion destroys that evidence, allowing the crime to continue.

Referred Law 6 helps protect victims of rape and incest from pregnancy, disease, and gets criminals behind bars.

Vote YES on Referred Law 6.


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