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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Holy Sacrament of Abortion

I and others have long said that abortion is a sacrament in the religion of secular liberalism. Now we have an admission from the Left to that effect--and not just a "secularist." From the Rapid City Journal:

Rev. Stoebner was among the ministers who donned clerical robes, stoles and collars to declare that Referred Law 6 restricts religious freedom.

Making abortion illegal would prohibit faithful people from living according to their religious laws, traditions and understandings, without the threat of criminal indictment, they said.
So if people can't practice the sacrament of abortion, their religious freedom is violated?

I guess I would agree that religious liberty was being violated if a Christian was forbidden to be baptized, or a Christian was forbidden to take communion, or a Christian was forbidden to express his faith in public (like we have been in recent years), but I guess I never thought of abortion as a sacrament to be sought after and practiced as a religious liberty.

Guess you learn something every day...


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