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Friday, September 08, 2006

Test Raises Questions about Terri Schiavo

An LA Times report reveals brain imaging tests of a woman in a vegetative state indicates she had certain " mental activity virtually identical to that of healthy people."

Sophisticated brain-imaging techniques suggest that a young woman in a vegetative state five months after a traffic accident had some mental functioning, even though she was unable to physically respond to her environment, British researchers report today.

The woman's brain showed mental activity virtually identical to that of healthy people when she was addressed in complex sentences and when told to imagine activities such as playing tennis, the physicians reported in the journal Science.

While this report also desperately tries to diminish the tie to the murder of Terri Schiavo (probably because a bunch of the people involved in this story proudly advocated her murder), it points even more strongly to the contention that our legal system presided over the murder of a woman in Florida last year.

The woman in this test had no physical response at all when the tests were done. Terri Schiavo, however, was able to make sounds as she tried to talk, able to facially show a negative reaction to something, able to laugh, able to smile, able to follow a balloon as it was moved...

Yet so many people somehow incredulously said, "Ah, she's just a vegetable. Let her 'husband' get rid of her."

Why does our culture try so hard to kill people we consider "inconvenient?" What does that say about us?


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