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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Pat Roberts Scourged, Stephanopoulos Gets a Pass

In typical style, the media crucifies a conservative for saying the same thing a liberal did.
Check out the Newsmax story about what George Stephanopoulos said about assassinating Saddam--you know, Cindy Sheehan's buddy, the one who volunteered as a school crossing guard, fed the homeless, gave away flowers in the town square, and definitely didn't have WMDs or support terrorists.


Thomas said...

I believe the media would be commenting on Robertson's lying that he never made the assasination "comments" followed by his suggestion that the comments that he did make were taken out of context, followed by his statement that he meant the comments after all but "because he was frustrated" and he actually meant that we could simply "kidnap the foreign leader instead."

And I'd think the Republican party would be praising him for his "moral stand," regardless of its popularity.

In the meantime, all Robertson has done is degrade true Christians in the eyes of foreign countries, while making Chavez a martyr.

Chavez, looks even nicer for offering lower gas prices to underprivleged communities in America., while noting that he has no idea who the alleged world moral leader is.

Dakota Voice said...

Roberts' made true Christians look bad when he lied about having said what he said.

And most intelligent people understand that Chavez offered the gas simply to make us look bad, not out of any goodness of his heart

C R Mountjoy - GDF said...

Don't worry. There are a lot more of you than there are of 'them' Keep the faith, Brother!

NotClauswitz said...

Pat who? Fatty Hugo is a diet-danger - if he died of lead-poisoning who'd show up at the funeral? Castro?

Dakota Voice
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