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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Racist Homosexual Porn on School Reading List

WASHINGTON, March 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- Deerfield High School in Deerfield, Illinois, had assigned the pornographic book "Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes" to students as required reading. When a group of outraged parents found out, they filed a formal complaint. Now the book has been changed to an "optional title," meaning kids may still select the book for peer study under the direction of a teacher.

The book is replete with profanity, overt racism through multiple uses of the N-word, an explicit description of a sex act involving Mother Theresa and some of the most graphic, vile and vivid depictions of homosexual anal sodomy every put in print. (Link to Excerpts – Warning: Extremely Graphic Sexual Content).

"After almost 15 years of school advocacy and reviewing many objectionable books and curricula, I have never seen anything this vulgar and harmful to students," Lora Sue Hauser, Executive Director of North Shore Student Advocacy (NSSA), told Concerned Women for America (CWA).

NSSA complained to the State Attorney's office of Lake County, Illinois, and they agreed that the book violated Illinois' obscenity statute prohibiting adults from "distributing harmful materials to minors." But, amazingly, Hauser was told by the State's Attorney's office that state and federal obscenity laws exempt school officials from prosecution.

"It takes a lot to shock me," said Matt Barber, CWA's Policy Director for Cultural Issues. "My jaw hit the ground when I read what's in this book. This isn't a First Amendment issue; this is about school officials betraying the community trust. Heads need to roll here. Assigning this racist, pornographic smut to high school kids is nothing short of child abuse. Don't forget, this was required reading until parents complained.

"If Deerfield High School Principal Sue Hebson, Superintendent George Fornero or any of the teachers responsible for this outrage had any sense of responsibility, they would now resign on their own rather than making parents and taxpayers force them from their positions. Shame on them, and shame on Illinois School District 113.

"It's disgraceful for these people, who have been entrusted to help mold the minds of Deerfield's impressionable youth, to have abused those youth by ostensibly violating the very laws intended to protect them. To hide behind some inexplicable exemption is just plain cowardly. Deerfield parents should seriously consider every possible legal option to ensure that these people are held accountable," concluded Barber.

Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women’s organization.


Anonymous said...

Great, more religious right wing "morality" imposing their beliefs on the unwilling. What ever happened to acceptance of others that are different than you?

Bob Ellis said...

Being "accepting" of other people should be encouraged. Accepting obscenity and perversion should not--especially when it involves exposing children to it.

Sexual anarchists should not be allowed to impose their "morality" or lack thereof on children.

Anonymous said...

Who's imposing their morality on whom, anonymous? Amorality is an expression of morality just like atheism is a theological position. These teachers and school officials have taken it upon themselves to inflict their beliefs on impressionable children who are captive to the government schools.

While our children are being taught the nuances of homosexual "love" almost half of highschool graduates are illiterate in many school districts. In some districts more than half never finish highschool. Drugs, STDs, violence and hedonism seem to be the main things many students learn in school.

Teachers like these are the problem and should be fired and stripped of their teaching credentials. In fact, a case could be made that they are child molesters who should be prosecuted and never allowed within a thousand feet of a school again.

Anonymous said...

You are right Bombastus, they should be prosacuted. If they go through with this they will have a big problem to deal with if we all take action. I found out about this through a newsletter I get from AFA Action alert. You might want to subscribe to it. If you all don't know there is also going to be a Day of Silence (DOS) on April 25th. They want all of us to keep our kids out of school on this day. It is a pro-homosexual day. I could go on and on. You might want to read about it. It also lists all of the high schools that are participating in it. Anyway this book is sooooo disgusting and hard to believe. This is rated XXX. The staff should lose there jobs over this and suffer more severe consequences.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of insanity...this is not reading, it's porn. And kids should not be "required" to read any of this garbage. I was exposed to porn as a youngster and it is one of the most difficult obsecenities to "recover" from!!!!
This is not a right it is an infraction where we must protect kids and continue to at least try to stop the pollution. Incidentally, even promoters and Linda Lovelace of the billion -dollar porn movie "Deep Throat" which revolutionized the disgusting business regret having had a part in the movie because of the way it changed what once was a small, and hidden market into a booming business!!! now look at it! it's unbelievable! Free and easy access for everyone.

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