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Thursday, April 12, 2007

No Cell Phone Law in Rapid City

Rapid City wisely passed up an opportunity to slap a new law on the books. The council declined the opportunity to outlaw cell phones while driving.

From the Rapid City Journal:

"Cell phones certainly are a factor in that -- as are everything from shaving, putting on make up and doing other things in a car when driving should be the primary focus,” he said.

Tieszen and Green indicated that the city can issue a citation for careless or reckless driving if a driver has committed a separate driving offense.

I agree that they can be distracting, but so can a teenager blah blah blah-ing at 110 MPH (the mouth-speed, that is) with their friends while driving.

I think the careless driving statute is enough to cover this, if police see someone being a complete idiot.


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