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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Elizabeth Edwards Trashes Her Neighbor

The News & Observer says Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Democrat presidential candidate John Edwards, is trashing her truck-driving, catfish-eating Republican neighbor:

Elizabeth Edwards, they told him, had called him a 'rabid, rabid Republican.' That wasn't all. The Democratic presidential candidate's wife also told The Associated Press she didn't want her children near Johnson because, she said, he once pulled a gun on workers investigating a right of way on his property.

Just more elitism, like a couple of years ago when the Edwards' pretended to eat at McDonalds like us "little people," then went back to their RV for catered lobster.

What's the neighbor's take on his aristocratic neighbors?
In the meantime, Johnson said he doesn't have hard feelings toward Edwards, but he does expect her to say she's sorry.

"I think she owes me an apology," he said. "And I won't feel right until I get it. If this is how they treat people in the White House, America is in for a helluva time."


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