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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Big Brother Fights Neighbors from Hell

This is the kind of "supernanny" stuff you get in a socialist environment.

From Fox News:

The special housing units are the latest government program intended to tackle anti-social behavior, a catchall term for alcoholism, petty crime and abusiveness. Prime Minister Tony Blair has made the fight against anti-social behavior a priority in his final term in office, claiming that community links have been weakened by indifferent parenting and a rowdy youth culture.

The supervised housing units are meant to support a series of government social work projects targeting problem families with measures ranging from near-daily visits from social workers to — in more difficult cases — removal to the special housing.

Particularly unmanageable families would be sent to units where they would be subject to curfews, visiting restrictions, and monitored 24 hours a day by social workers.

I'm sure most of these folks are a rough bunch, but who defines "unmanageable?" What if your neighbors just don't like you. Do you really want government telling you where you can live?

Are some of you liberals SURE you want the United States to be like socialist Europe?


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