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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Lib Speech Police Think They're on a Roll

Don't tell me your surprised. From WorldNetDaily:

Now that radio talk-show host Don Imus has been banished, it's time to clean up the rest of talk radio, says a partisan media watchdog group headed by David Brock.

Next in the crosshairs for alleged expressions of 'bigotry and hate speech targeting, among other characteristics, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion and ethnicity' are, according to Media Matters for America, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Neal Boortz, John Gibson and Michael Smerconish.

I didn't approve of what Imus said, either, but as it's been pointed out, the hypocrisy of those screaming the loudest (Al Sharpton, Je$$ie Jack$on, et al) is disgusting.

Now they think they're on a roll, and would like to shut up anyone that pokes a hole in the blanket liberal voice in the media.

They'll find Limbaugh and some of these others a much tougher target, though. I think they threw Imus under the bus because while he was a liberal, he had too much intellectual integrity. I've heard him on a number of occasions acknowledge the "shortcomings" of John Kerry and some other lame liberals. While Imus has been true to his ideology, he's not afraid to acknowledge instances where it and its representatives come up short. That made him expendable.

In the liberal world, if you're not toeing the line, you're expendable, especially if you cross the race pimps like Sharpton and Jack$on.


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