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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Cutting Student Nap Time

Hey, now here's somebody who's working to make the most effective use of educational resources. Hats off to Sioux Falls Lincoln High Principal Valerie Fox.

It's a class period set up to give students a chance to catch up or get ahead on homework.... not sleep.

Lincoln High Principal Valerie Fox says, “We have a lot of students just sitting around for an hour maybe not really making good use of that time.”

Apparently someone in the education establishment recognizes that naps, nose-picking and note-passing aren't an effective use of the taxpayers money.

This principal is also making the most of the teacher's abilities:
Fox says another reason they've decided to cut out study hall is because it's so expensive to staff. She'd rather put teachers in the classroom to teach, rather than to watch students do homework or sleep.

Fox also says eliminating study halls will give students the opportunity to take free classes that they enjoy before they have to pay for their education in college.


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