Here are some excerpts from his long voting record from Project Vote Smart:
12/06/2006 Abortion Pain Bill Y
05/25/2005 Overseas Military Facilities Abortion Amendment N
10/02/2003 Prohibit Partial-Birth Abortion bill Y
10/18/2007 SCHIP Reauthorization N
06/22/2005 Flag Desecration Resolution Y
09/26/2006 Public Expression of Religion Act of 2006 Y
06/04/1998 Religious Freedom Amendment bill Y
04/26/2001 Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2001 Y
03/22/1996 Gun Ban Repeal Act of 1995 Y
09/14/2006 Secure Fence Act of 2006 Y
12/16/2005 Border Security bill Y
01/10/2007 Minimum Wage Increase N
05/23/1996 Minimum Wage Increase bill N
09/23/2004 Pledge of Allegiance Protection bill Y
10/10/2002 Use of Military Force Against Iraq Y
07/19/2006 Stem Cell Research Bill N
03/03/2003 Prohibition on Human Cloning - Passage Y
07/18/2006 Same Sex Marriage Resolution Y
07/15/1999 Religious Liberty Protection Act of 1999 Y
06/29/1999 National Day of Prayer Resolution Y
06/17/1999 Ten Commandments Amendment Y
03/05/1997 Display of the Ten Commandments Y
08/01/1996 Bill Emerson English Language Empowerment Act of 1996 Y
06/21/2000 WTO Withdrawal resolution Y
05/24/2000 U.S.-China Relations Act of 2000 N
12/21/1995 Welfare Reform Bill Y
Here is how he is rated by various policy organizations:
Planned Parenthood 0%
Right to Life 100%
Animal rights 0% - 42%, with most in the 20% range
Arts/Humanities 0%-6%
Tax reform 56%-100%
Business interests 62%-100%
Separation of church/state 0%
Eagle Forum 86%
Christian Coalition 100%
Concerned Women for America 100%
National Education Association 21%
Family Research Council 100%
American Family Association 100%
Gun Owners of America 100%
National Rifle Association "A"
Immigration/Border Control 80%-100%
National Organization for Women 5%
I think these ratings speak volumes for his conservative credentials, both in the organizations that rate him highly, and those which rate him low.
Yes, Hunter is low on the ladder in the polls right now...but that can change, and YOU can change it. Giuliani has dropped recently and Huckabee has gone up recently as people became more aware of Giuliani's liberal stance in many areas. The same thing can happen with Huckabee and Hunter as people realize how liberal Huckabee is on the fiscal/immigration side.
Talk is cheap. A candidate can say anything they want on their campaign website, in an interview, or at a speech; and they hope most people won't take the time to do the research to see if their walk matches their talk.
Duncan Hunter has a proven track record of conservatism, as a fiscal conservative, a national defense conservative, and a social conservative.
If conservatives are serious about electing a conservative, I believe Duncan Hunter is the guy to get behind.