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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Global Warming Musicians Creating Their Own Problem

The UK Daily Mail is calling some of the eco-hypocrites on their double standard:

But green campaigners called the stars' involvement hypocritical last night saying their lifestyles which demand they jet themselves and their huge entourages on world tours give them enormously large carbon footprints.

Last year, for example, they report how Madonna flew as many as 100 technicians, dancers, backing singers, managers and family members on a 56-date world tour in private jets and commercial airliners.

Madonna herself also has a collection of fuel-guzzling cars, including a Mercedes Maybach, two Range Rovers, Audi A8s and a Mini Cooper S. Yet she will headline the London concert to 'combat the climate crisis'.
'Madonna's Confessions tour produced 440 tonnes of CO2 in four months of last year. And that was just the flights between the countries, not taking into account the truckloads of equipment needed, the power to stage such a show and the transport of all the thousands of fans getting to the gigs.

'The Red Hot Chili Peppers produced 220 tonnes of CO2 with their private jet alone over six months on their last world tour which was 42 dates.

'The average a British person produces is 10 tonnes a year,' said John Buckley, managing director-of

He added: 'It's great for the celebrities to come out and support the cause, but they then have to follow it up in their own lifestyles.

The whole global warming thing is a bunch of hooey anyway, but if they're going to raise a big ruckus about it, they should at least walk the walk.

But just as with Al Gore and the rest of these elites, there's a set of rules for them, and there's another set for "the little people" like you. When are people going to stop listening to this modern-day aristocracy?


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