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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Academia: The Intolerance of the Tolerant

From WorldNetDaily:

An independent report on the School of Social Work at Missouri State University says officials there bullied students by creating 'an atmosphere where the Code of Ethics is used in order to coerce students into certain belief systems,' documenting allegations made by a Christian student who was penalized under the system.

What happened?
She refused his assignment to lobby for homosexual adoptions because it violated her religious beliefs, and then was brought up on ethics charges within the program's system. Her lawsuit, handled by The Alliance Defense Fund, was settled quickly by the school with the leave of absence as well as monetary damages and a removal from her record of the charges against her.

While I've encountered a few good social workers, you'll be hard pressed to find a profession more riven with rabid, unyielding liberal dogma than social work.

It's amazing how intolerant these "tolerant" liberals can be.


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