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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bush: Will Allow Reserch on "Nonviable" Embryos

I believe this is an acceptable compromise, as long as it doesn't result in something that leads researchers to intentionally make human embryos "nonviable."
From Fox News:

President George W. Bush said Tuesday that he would sign a bill to permit federal funding of research using human embryos that could not develop into fetuses.

At the same time, he said he would again reject a bill that would clear the way for the government to pay for largely unrestricted stem cell research on viable embryos. Bush's only veto in seven years as president was of a similar bill, which would have overturned a restrictive stem cell policy that Bush declared in 2001.

Experimentation on human embryos under most conditions is indefensible, however. Human life begins at conception (it becomes a unique human being with it's own unique DNA at that point), and if we value human life, we need to steer clear of this kind of dubious research.

And it is dubious, in more ways than one. While embryonic stem cell research has yet to produce a single success, adult stem cell therapy, umbilical cord blood stem cell therapy, and other kinds of non-destructive stem cell therapy have already helped dozens of people.


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