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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Judge OKs Homosexual School Club

This is the same grounds upon which a Gay-Straight Unity club was formed at Stevens High School in Rapid City about 3 years ago.

From OneNewsNow:

A Christian attorney says the ACLU is once again 'twisting' a federal law that was enacted to allow Bible clubs in public schools.

A Florida judge has allowed a Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) club to meet at Okeechobee High School during the pendency of a lawsuit if the club limits its discussion to discrimination issues. With the help of the American Civil Liberties Union, the club's founder sued the school and its principal asserting that the Equal Access Act requires the GSA be allowed to meet on campus.

The courts have upheld these clubs in the past, but...

The attorney also believes the ACLU is twisting the intent of the Equal Access Act as it employs the law to advocate for homosexual student clubs nationwide.

"What we are arguing is that the Equal Access Act does have some provisions in it where you are allowed to act in the best interests of the child; you are allowed to protect the safety and the welfare of the students. And we believe that having students discussing sexual issues is not in their best interests."

I've often pondered the logic of a school club dealing with a sexual subject when most high schoolers are below the age of legal consent for sexual activity in the first place. Not to mention most of them are even too young to see an R-rated movie...but they can have a club on the subject of two men or two women having sex with each other?


Anonymous said...

>_> That's not what a G-S Alliance is about. It's not about talking about sex. It's about trying to ensure that as teenagers get into the "real world" they can learn to deal with people who are different from them in a way that causes much strife now.

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