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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, April 06, 2007

BATC: Blogging Against Theocracy Conspiracists

Blogging Against Theocracy Conspiracists

I was tempted to just ignore the misguided folks who are set to "Blog Against Theocracy" beginning on Good Friday and finishing on Easter. They obviously haven't the slightest idea of what a theocracy is, nor why America isn't a theocracy and is in no danger of becoming a theocracy.

However, I decided that since the ignorance about "church and state" and America's Christian heritage is growing, and this ignorance already threatens our free society (our freedoms are, after all, founded on Judeo-Christian principles), I decided to use this as an opportunity to address some of the myths and misunderstandings prevalent in our increasingly secularist society.

So I'll be doing some posts this weekend myself to set the record straight on why it is so important that religious faith--especially Christian faith--guides (not dictates) public policy.

America has been influenced by Christian principles since even before the Mayflower dropped anchor in America. The men who declared independence from England were almost all Christians and their politics were guided by their Christian faith. Those same men set up our unique American form of government, and they were again guided by their Christian faith as they did so. Our government and culture has since then carried a distinctly Christian flavor, and only in the last 50 years, as secularists have usurped the normal legislative process through judicial activism, has the United States taken a secular turn.

Even so, most Americans still believe in God. And God says we are to let our faith be a guiding testament to a world that has lost it's way. Christians cannot remain in good standing with their God while keeping silent in the face of pressing societal issues that can bring terrible suffering.

God's principles for living are too good, and America's Christian heritage is too important to be buried under a mountain of secularist lies under the facade of something that never existed and can't be found in the U.S. Constitution: "separation of church and state."


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