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Friday, April 06, 2007

Boy Scouts defeat ACLU

Here is an example of something that does NOT violate the First Amendment. From WorldNetDaily:

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit dismissed a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union to stop the Defense Department from allowing the Boy Scouts of America to hold its National Jamboree every four years at Fort A.P. Hill in Fredericksburg, Va.

The ACLU, suing on behalf of individual named taxpayers, had argued allowing the Boy Scouts to hold the event on public property is an unconstitutional establishment of religion, because the organization's membership is limited to those who believe in God.

The ACLU points out the Boy Scouts require members to swear an oath to 'do my duty to God and my country.'

The Boy Scouts being able to hold an event at a public facility does NOT constitute "Congress [making a] law respecting an establishment of religion." Nor does it constitute a "theocracy."

Yet the ACLU seeks to intimidate the Boy Scouts and other groups that hold elements of Christian faith from being able to exercise their faith or carry out their activities in public...and too often, the courts have backed them up.


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