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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Rep. John Murtha Wants Lottery for 'Citizens Army'

Liberals are so schizophrenic it's unbelievable.

Can't find enough class envy? Create some. Think the draft is unfair? Go with an all-volunteer military...then call that unfair and advocate a draft...

From NewsMax:

Seeking to boost the movement to reinstitute a military draft, Rep. John Murtha is arguing that the U.S. should have a 'citizen's army' in addition to a 'volunteer, professional army.' However, a critic of the Pennsylvania Democrat on Monday called his statement 'ridiculous' and 'without merit.'

Does he think military volunteers aren't "citizens?"

What do these schizophrenic idiots think is so good about a draft?

"Such a drafted army looked like America, as some like to say of other things," Roper stated. "It was America. Everybody was in the army, all racial groups, all religious beliefs, every kind of character, people from every class.

Newsflash: the military already does look like America, with all these facets. When I was in the military (not that long ago) it was filled with people from all backgrounds: educated, uneducated, wealth, poverty. I even served once with a guy who's dad was worth more than a billion dollars, and this guy was going to inherit it. Yet there he was as an enlisted guy in the military.

I think libs just loathe the military so much they have to constantly look for new ways to find fault with it.


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