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Friday, April 06, 2007

BATC: Feedback

Some feedback on "Blogging Against Theocracy Conspiracists" from Dawn of Madison, South Dakota:


I really appreciate these posts you are making regarding theocracy.

A quote you included, regarding the separation of church and state, leads me to another (related) subject.

"the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions"

Wouldn't this negate the "Hate Crimes" Legislation that is being pushed? Of course, my reaction to this legislation follows this line of thinking. Why is it worse if I kill you because I hate you, than if I kill you at random knowing nothing about you. You are still dead either way.

Thanks for letting me spout.

I agree with your analysis of "hate crime" legislation, Dawn, and you make a good point.

The motivation for a crime may be interesting and can help in solving the crime, it matters little beyond that. You're just as dead if the person killed you simply to get your car as you would be if they killed you because of your skin color. Murder is murder, assault is assault, etc., regardless of whether hate, love or indifference were involved.

"Hate crime" is just more Orwellian (remember "crimethink"?), politically-correct feel-good legislation that helps some people feel better about themselves while accomplishing nothing.

Thanks for writing, Dawn.


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