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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, April 07, 2007

Take It Home and Plant It in the Garden of Reality!

The United States of America has been, for far longer than many of us have been walking this earth, known as the melting pot. A country that held open its arms to those who sought a life of freedom. Freedom that actually included the freedom of religion and freedom from persecution. For all the flaws that may have existed as our country grew towards adulthood, the fight to allow religious freedom and practice of faith has been constant. It has been an effort that has been a vital part in keeping this country strong and united in the "...pursuit of life, liberty, and justice for all". But... I guess it got too boring, because we now have those who would suggest that even the mention of God, except in terms of using the name in vain, is destructive and an intrusion upon the rights of others. And this argument has what supporting evidence?

No one was forced by the government to either be of a particular religion, to be of any religion, or to even believe in God. That remained, and continues to remain, personal choice -- at least for now. It seems as though some would wish the Christian not to take the belief in God into hiding, but rather, to rid us all together of the belief that offends them. Yes, it seems they would wish for the government offices to be void of any that might possibly be of a Christian faith, least religion be forced upon others by the person (through their actions/decisions/presence) while carrying out the duties of office. Heaven forbid.

On the other hand it seems...

All non-Christian and no-religion is now the fad and quite acceptable? The non-Christian and no-religion people do not have their decisions influenced by their beliefs, thereby likewise forcing them upon others? No? Only people of one of the Christian religions do that? Amazing! I didn't know all the Christian religions worked so closely with each other to force all Christian religions upon the unsuspecting. Bet that gets a bit complicated. (Would be interesting to learn just how that would be accomplished.)

As I said before, I find it utterly amazing how we have come to a point in time where it is freedom of speech if someone uses God's name in vain to a person, but infringing upon the rights of others if one should say "God bless you!" A good and positive thought is an infringement, while hateful words are a sacred right? And the supposed logic is....???

We have come to a point where a person's religion is considered to unduly influence decisions and thereby impose said religion upon others, unless that religion is non-Christian?

Christian religion is to be considered inappropriate, though, according to some, there is a tolerance expected for the satanic worshipper? (Meaning those who literally and intentionally worship Satan.)

Any and all influences are game, as long as they have nothing to do with the beliefs of Christians?

To continue with how life has been here in the United States, with it's religious freedom, is to suddenly to be a threat of potential wrongful theocracy at the hands of Christians? Why not the satanist or the spiritualist or atheist? How come it took so many centuries to get a' feared of Christians changing our government into a theocracy forced upon all? Maybe because it is an illusion created out of boredom and need to push the envelope somewhere... anywhere?

Whatever is behind this "against theocracy" blogging -- the "timing" was obviously meant for it to be an insult too extreme! What point does this prove, except the rudeness and game playing of some? Oh, I forgot. It also shows what vulgar cuss words they know and are willing to call others by. I would say that I am impressed, but actually ... I AM NOT!

Sunday, April 8, 2007, is Easter Sunday! It is a day that is a rejoicing in rebirth and hope for tomorrow, even by some who do not see it as a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ (and all that means) in particular. It shall be! It shall be and that is an absolute one can take home and plant in the garden of reality!


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