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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, April 06, 2007

What Real Theocracy Looks Like

Want to see what a real theocracy looks like? You won't find it in America...but you will in other places around the world.

In Pakistan, from WorldNetDaily:

'Daniel, an 11-year-old Christian boy, refused to play with his Muslim friends, resulting in them beating him,' the Pakistani source told Voice of the Martyrs.

'Daniel's family confronted the Muslims who called the police and made a false report saying Daniel's family had blasphemed the name of the Holy Prophet,' the source reported.

Now the five are charged under Pakistan's blasphemy laws 295-A and 295-C and are in fear for their lives.

'The Muslim family told other Muslims at a religious gathering that Christians had disgraced the Holy Prophet, tore a holy sticker and beat it with a shoe. This has led to tension in the city,' the Pakistani source, who was not identified by name, told VOM.


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