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Friday, April 06, 2007

Abolishing the Electoral College

The move is on, once again, to abolish our electoral college system. Why is that a bad idea? For one thing, the men who founded this nation were very wise (so much so, that I believe God strongly directed many of their actions). But why, specifically, is the electoral college a good thing?

From WorldNetDaily:

But Wallbuilders noted that – along with proposals to have Congress or the state legislatures choose a president – the idea of a national popular vote was discussed by the authors of the Constitution.

'This idea was rejected not because the framers distrusted the people but rather because the larger populous states would have much greater influence than the smaller states and therefore the interests of those smaller states could be disregarded or trampled,'

Wallbuilders said. 'Additionally, a nationwide election would encourage regionalism since the more populous areas of the country could form coalitions to elect president after president from their own region. With such regional preferentialism, lasting national unity would be nearly impossible.'

Wallbuilders said the electoral college specifically was chosen to maintain a republican form of government, as opposed to a strict democracy. And it provides more influence to areas with lesser populations.


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